Saturday, September 29, 2007

Do Computers Get Tired?

A Silver Bullet?

Until recently, I would have dismissed the notion that electronic gunk can accumulate in a machine and cause it to act erratically. But a few months ago my high-speed Internet connection, which is normally rock solid, started getting flaky. I unplugged my cable modem, plugged it back in and voila... things were back to normal.

And since then I've repeated the procedure a few times with good results, whenever I noticed a slowdown in my Internet speed. So I started thinking... maybe electronic devices and appliances really do get tired, clogged with electrons, or whatever. It turns out that there is some good science to support this layman's observation.

Jerrold Foutz is a Scientist with a capital S. There aren't many people alive who know more about how electronic gadgets (especially power supplies) are supposed to work. So you might be surprised to hear that when your computer, microwave, VCR or high-tech coffee pot isn't behaving, his best advice is "just unplug it."

Totally Cosmic, Dude.In a fascinating article on electronics trouble shooting, Foutz talks about something called a Single Event Upset (SEU) that can cause electronic circuitry to malfunction. An SEU can be caused by a power glitch, or a cosmic ray passing through a integrated circuit, and can actually flip the logic state (from 1 to 0 or vice versa) of a circuit. A cascading effect may trigger a hardware lockup or an infinite loop in software.

For lots more technical details, and even some suggestions on how better design can help to prevent this problem, see the full article on Trouble Shooting Electronics.

Of course in the case of computers running complex operating system and application software, other factors may come into play. Sloppy coding practices can result in 'memory leaks' which over time will cause performance to degrade. But from the end user perspective, the problem looks no different than a hardware error caused by cosmic rays.

Fortunately, the solution is the same in both cases: shut it down, turn it back on, and things will be good again... for a while.

Reprinted from:

BOB RANKIN... is a tech writer and computer programmer who enjoys exploring the Internet and sharing the fruit of his experience with others. His work has appeared in ComputerWorld, NetGuide, and NY Newsday. Bob is publisher of the Internet TOURBUS newsletter, author of several computer books, and creator of the website. Visit Bob Rankin's website for more helpful articles and free tech support.

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Treating Acne With Working Herbal Remedies

Acne is undeniably the most universal of maladies which demographically affect all segments regardless of sex and age - categorically Acne could well be known to affect the teenagers and the young adults more than those in their fourth or fifth decade of life.

It is scarcely amazing that most want a cure but few want the side effects or have the predilection to spend large sums of money for the cure! The wonder mantra then - none other than the new buzzword in the realm of Acne affected - the Herbal Acne Remedy!


The herbal Acne remedy then is inarguably the pick of options considering that it is both safe and effective and has the incomparable advantage of being effective in all skin types!

The Herbal Acne remedy treatment plan would well inculcate some or most of these modalities:

- Diet

Diet is critical for an effective control of Acne and would well need to be both balanced and fortified - the fortification being best attained by the presence of a wide range of minerals and sulfurs in addition to vitamins of the likes of Vitamins B, B Complex, C and E.

- Fluids

The intake of fluids is critical and the more discerning would ensure that the intake of water is in plenty and adequate at all times of times for it helps 'detoxify' the system and there could scarcely be a Acne Herbal remedy without the detoxification!

- Skin Cleaning

Skin cleaning is evidently the cornerstone of any Acne remedy - so frequent washing of the face with water and keeping the skin clean with the aid of moisturizers and creams could well be considered as the order of the day.

Conversely this could well aggravate the condition when the procedure is overdone or an inappropriate mix of products is used! The preferred options is to pick and choose from among a range - the optimal being Herbal cleaners - which should always be so selected as to ensure that they are gentle to the skin!

- Herbal Acne Remedy Products

Acne being intricately linked to skin toxicity - the pick of options is Herbal Acne Remedy products which help reduce skin toxicity and enhance the skin condition. If statistics are any index the most effective of these herbal products are the likes of Lavender, Chamomile, Juniper, Bergamot, Burdock root.

Those in possession of anti inflammatory properties are known to be effective considering that they help decrease the swelling and inflammation of the blocked oil glands - the forerunners in the category being Echinacea and Poke root.

Acne being bacteria induced pathology is best controlled by using bacteria destroying herbal remedies like Acidophilus - this being the natural bacteria also found in the intestine in healthy humans!

The market then has a plethora of remedies for Acne - with varying degrees of efficacy and side effects - nevertheless the preferred option continues to be Acne Herbal Remedies and are here to stay considering that there are few options which could compare with these potentially safe and amazingly effective options!

TreatingAcneScar is an online portal with expert articles teaching you how to get rid of existing acne problems. To learn more about useful methods to treat acne, visit for free access.

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