Friday, September 7, 2007

Finding The Right Lawyer To Represent You

Adjuster Henry Hustle from GiveAwayNothing Insurance tried to take advantage of you so youve decided to obtain the services of an attorney. Here are some insights you should consider:

SMALL LAW FIRM VS. LARGE LAW FIRM: The size of the law firm has absolutely nothing to do with how well that office will represent you and/or handle your case. A large law firm (10 or more names on their letterhead) will not impress an insurance adjuster into giving you a better settlement. On the contrary, adjusters whove been around, know that huge law offices have multi-million dollar clients with mind-boggling legal problems. Because of this those types of law firms often do not put the time (nor concern) into a several thousand dollar personal injury case that a small office would. The bottom line? Youll receive more and better attention from a small law office. Many of the best personal injury lawyers operate within the confines of a law firm with only two, three or, at the very most, four associates.

BEWARE OF LAWYERS WHO REPRESENT DEFENDANTS:The practice of law has become incredibly specialized. Find a lawyer who has experience representing claimants(called Plaintiffs in legalese) in personal injury cases.(Youre a Plaintiff). Be careful not to be represented by someone who is primarily an attorney for Defendants. These lawyers way of thinking are usually too closely tied to the values, attitudes and mental outlook of their cold and calculating insurance company clients.More often than not theyll not extend themselves nor battle as hard - - consciously or unconsciously - - to obtain top dollar for your claim.(To you four or five hundred dollars more is a lot of money.To them its a drop in the bucket)!

COMPARISON SHOP: Talk to friends, acquaintances and/or co-workers who may have been represented by a lawyer on their own personal injury claim. Personal Injury lawyers normally dont charge for an initial consultation.But, before you meet with them, find out if they do.If the answer to that is yes, go somewhere else.

While chatting with the lawyer, getting to know him and (generally speaking) what your case is all about, you should find out:

(1)How long have they been in practice?(10 years - plus - thats good. 6 to 8 years is just okay. 3 to 4 years is highly questionable. 2 years or less is totally unacceptable).

(2)Roughly what percentage of his practice involves personal injury cases? If its less than 75% say goodbye.

(3)Does he often represent corporations and/or insurance companies? If he does than forge it, excuse yourself and take a walk.Hes not a Plaintiffs attorney (youre a Plaintiff) hes a Defendants attorney (the insurance company is a Defendant). Hes not for you!

PAYING THE LAWYER - THE WRITTEN FEE AGREEMENT: After youve discussed the facts of your case you may be able to get some sense from the attorney how much he thinks your case is worth, and how difficult it may be to get the insurance company to pay that amount.(He probably wont commit himself. Hell do a song and dance that would put Madonna to shame). Once youve grappled with that ask him exactly how much hes going to charge you for handling your case?

If youre at fault for the accident and its only your damaged ego that demands legal action hes going to charge you for every move he makes - - and there can be a ton of them - - at hundreds of dollars an hour.If you have a case in which the other driver is clearly at fault (and your damages are substantial) his heart will be pounding with glee and hell be salivating furiously to have you hire him. In that instance hell be quite willing to waive all potential charges.

Usually, in the majority of cases, it should be a straight Contingency Fee with no costs assessed to you. Once your financial deal has been agreed upon ask him to put that into writing, in his Written Fee Agreement.(If he balks at a Written Fee Agreement you should begin to hum that old tune Ill See Ya Later Alligator, get up, thank him for his time, and exit that office)

Copyright (c) 2003 by Daniel G. Baldyga. All rights Reserved

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this insurance claim tip FINDING THE RIGHT LAWYER is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process. Neither Dan Baldyg nor ARTICLE CITY make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever; NOR do they purport to engage in rendering any professional or legal service; NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is the INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain said services.

Dan Baldygas third and latest book AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss)can be found on the internet at This book reveals "How To" successfully handle your motor vehicle accident claim, so you won't be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding the revolutionary BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evalation Formula). BASE explains how to determine the value of the "Pain and Suffering" you endured - - because of your personal injury.

Copyright 2005 (c) By Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved

About The Author

For over 30 years Dan Baldyga was a claims adjuster, supervisor, manager and also a trial assisstant. He is now retired and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of. Mail to:

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Winning Auto Accident Personal Injury Claim 101

When someone harms us or prevents us from living a normal life, we are often desperate for vengeance. It is a normal feeling to be so overwhelmed with frustration, especially when an accident leaves us claiming workers compensation or getting nowhere when our insurance companies just dont seem to listen.

If you have been harmed by another person whether it is emotional pain or strictly an auto accident injury, you have every right to file for a personal injury claim. However, you must keep everything on file. From doctors files to medical bills and fees; this is the only way you are going to back up that you really do need compensation. Due to the persons fault, you do not only have to leave work, but you also have financial burdens piling up.

When you do end up in an accident and acquire an auto accident injury, you must follow the following steps. Make sure you write in full detail what happened. Also take a lot of photos documenting the accident. If you dont do these things immediately, chances are you will forget minor details days later. These minor details could actually help your personal injury claim, thus it will benefit you down the road. Additionally, find witnesses who may have been around the accident. This will help you pick witnesses for your case and will also be a major resource against the defendant.

Once you have documented all of this information, you must get a medical examination. The doctors notes will prevail in court, especially when there are photos that go along with the record. After you get checked by a professional, ask to get a copy of the billing, to make sure you document the amount of money you have been spending.

While all of these things are vital, you will never win a case unless you have a personal injury attorney. Hiring a personal injury lawyer will not only increase your chances of compensation, but insurance companies tend to negotiate quicker when they see that you have support. The last thing an insurance agency wants is any bad publicity. They want to avoid all law suits, especially ones that could leave them bankrupt!

If you are unsure of how to find a lawyer to help you with your personal injury claim, looking through the internet is a good way of searching. However, make sure you find their references, call their former clients, and read up on what cases they have done. You do not want to be caught in a scam when you just want to get compensation through your personal injury claim. If you know that you absolutely have to have the best person to represent you, looking for Boston personal injury attorneys is recommended. Boston personal injury attorneys among others are the best in the country, and can provide you with an array of information, experience, and help.

Just because you have an auto accident injury, doesnt mean that you will be scarred for life. File for a personal injury claim, hire a lawyer, and keep your head up high. If you have followed the above tips when you get into an auto accident, you will be more than prepared.

Natalie Aranda writes on family and law. If you are unsure of how to find a lawyer to help you with your personal injury claim, looking through the internet is a good way of searching. You do not want to be caught in a scam when you just want to get compensation through your personal injury claim. If you know that you absolutely have to have the best person to represent you, looking for Boston personal injury attorneys is recommended. Boston personal injury attorneys among others are the best in the country, and can provide you with an array of information, experience, and help.

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