Thursday, September 20, 2007

Remedies for Prostrate Health Problems

The health problems associated with the functions of the prostrate are very complex and effect middle-aged and elderly men all over the world; the prostrate gets larger and presses on the outflow tube, creating the sensation of more frequent urination, particularly at night. Usually, such a prostrate condition is benign, but left untreated it can be really troublesome, and there are not few the cases of prostrate cancer. Scientific studies in the field have brought some conclusive data about special herbs that can reduce prostrate inflammation, improving mens life significantly. The result of German research was the discovery of the prostrate healing properties of a plant known as the Small-Flowered Willow herb, with its varieties: Great Willow herb or Dark-green Willow herb and so on.

Hardly mentioned by herbalists a few decades ago, willow herb has got Europes and the worlds attention by its popularization in Maria Trebens book about herbal remedies. The willow herb flowers are small, a little reddish, and pinkish or even white. From all the varieties, the whole plant can be collected and used for teas or herbal supplements; for instance in the severest health conditions two cups of tea should be drunk on the empty stomach, one in the morning and one in the evening. However, keep in mind the fact that a doctors opinion of the health condition is an absolute must, since any serious ailment requires close medical investigations and observance.

Saw palmetto is another natural remedy for people who suffer from prostrate problems. By the official name of Serenoa Repens, saw palmetto is one of the most common palm species growing in the U.S. Its great reputation comes from the extraction of a specific chemical known under the drug form as Serenoa which is obtained from fresh or even dried saw palmetto fruit. This is the active principle that works wonders for the prostrate swelling and various forms of urinary tract infections. It mainly acts as an inhibitor of some enzymes that deal with the processing of testosterone, regulating the biological processes in the prostrate cells.

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