Wednesday, September 5, 2007

10 Natural Childbirth Myths

When weighing your options for childbirth, it helps if you have accurate information about the options available to you. Unfortunately childbirth is an area where myth often pervades fact. What you hear may have started as truth, but has become such a distorted version, there isnt much truth left. Here are ten of the most common misunderstandings about natural childbirth and the truth behind them.

1. You have to have a super-high pain tolerance.

Almost nobody likes pain, and it is easy to assume giving birth causes large amounts of pain so only the most pain tolerant women can do it. What is less well known is how a womans body increases endorphin levels during labor. This means as the intensity of the contractions build, so does her ability to handle them. Also, contractions peak at about 30 seconds. This means once your contractions become about a minute long they may increase in duration (get longer), but they do not tend to continue building in intensity.

2. You have to do HEE HEE HOO HOO panting the whole time.

While Dr. Lamaze did include patterned breathing for distraction in his natural childbirth training, it was one of several tools and his was the only program that recommended it. Dr. Dick Read, Dr. Bradley and others recommended natural deep breathing relying instead on positioning and relaxation. Patterned breathing remains one of many tools a woman can use in labor if she finds it helps her manage contractions, but most women use normal breathing.

3. It feels like pulling your lower lip over your head.

I enjoy a good comedy routine, but we shouldnt base our understanding of childbirth on stand up comedy. After having given birth without medication twice, I can most assuredly promise you it feels nothing like pulling on your lips. The parts of the body needed for childbirth are designed to stretch and make room for baby your lower lip is not designed to be pulled over your head.

4. You have to be at home to do it.

Homebirth is an option, but it is only one option. Women interested in natural childbirth can also give birth in birth centers or hospitals. It is not the location that matters, but the support you have to help you through contractions. While hospitals have access to medications and emergency equipment, many also have birth tubs, balls and flexible staff who will work with a family to achieve the birth they desire. Hiring a doula gives you even more support and increases your chances of giving birth naturally.

5. Women become screaming lunatics, yelling at their husbands.

Childbirth is not a psychosis where a woman suddenly takes on a new personality. Although in the earlier half of the 20th century women were given labor drugs that made them act very strange indeed, becoming crazy isnt a part of the natural childbirth process. What does happen is a woman uses all her energy to focus on the work she is doing and distraction makes this harder. Women in hard labor will use the least amount of energy to communicate this may mean body language, grunts or one word commands. Without the understanding this behavior is normal, a support person can feel as if they have somehow upset the laboring mother.

6. Childbirth is the worst pain you will ever feel.

A childbirth educators husband figured out from her normal 12 hour labor that the time she spent in pain in contractions totaled to about 3 and a half hours. You can be in pain longer than that for a migraine. And unlike other types of pain, contractions build to a peak, release from the peak and then give you a break. Even in a longer than average labor, there are breaks between contractions. In a 12 hour labor, you might not even need to work through contractions until the last 2 or 3 hours before pushing because most of the time you spend in labor is early labor.

7. If they know you want a natural childbirth, the nurses wont give you anything for the pain.

Wanting a natural childbirth and achieving a natural childbirth are two different things. While most doulas, nurses and midwives will work with you to achieve your goal of a natural childbirth, they never force you to give birth without medication. Whether or not to use medical pain relief remains your choice regardless of what type of labor you prepared for.

8. There is no reason to go through labor pain anymore.

There have been ointments and herbs to treat labor pain as far back as the Roman Empire, and probably further back than that. There are also positions and non-medical techniques that work extremely well for keeping mothers comfortable and helping labor progress. It isnt so much the use of a treatment to manage pain that bothers modern women as much as it is the possible side effects and risks of using the treatments. There is a big difference between the risks of having a massage in labor and having an epidural. Although the massage may not eliminate all the pain, if it allows the woman to labor without having to add the risks of an epidural then why not use it? Studies show just the change of using a doula for additional support decreases requests for pain medication while also decreasing needs for additional medical interventions. It should more rightly be said that with all we know today, there is no reason to add the risks of medical pain relief to manage labor pain anymore.

9. Women used to die giving birth.

Yes, and women still die giving birth. It has nothing to do with the natural childbirth process. Instead factors such as poor nutrition, infection and inadequate sanitation are the causes of high mortality rates. In fact, the highest childbirth mortality rate happened because birth was moved to the hospital and infection spread quickly among laboring women when doctors didnt wash their hands. Pain medications increase the risks of having a problem in labor, not reduce them. Cesarean birth adds the increased risks of surgery to childbirth, which means for a normal, healthy pregnancy your risk of dying from childbirth goes up.

10. I dont need to prepare to give birth, its a natural process.

While your body is doing the work with or without you, how you respond to labor will have a large impact on how well labor progresses and the amount of pain or discomfort you feel. Knowing positions, tricks and techniques for labor greatly improves your chances of being successful at giving birth naturally, and greatly improves your chances of staying comfortable during labor. It takes physical and mental energy to labor; if you havent practiced natural childbirth techniques enough to use them without thinking you wont be able to use them during labor. Preparing for a natural childbirth doesnt necessarily guarantee you will give birth without medications, but not preparing almost always guarantees you will use medications.

Jennifer Vanderlaan is a childbirth educator and doula who helps families learn tools, tips and techniques for natural childbirth at

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Article Marketing and Article Writing - How To Successfully Write and Market Your First Article

Article writing is an excellent way to get your message out, especially if it appeals to your readers because they expect and enjoy quality articles. Meet their needs and they will come back for more.

Writing your first internet article can be very challenging for some and not as challenging for others. Whether you feel challenged or not, you can become a skilled article writer by learning and practicing the following tips.

Mind Map to Overcome Writer's Block - Visualize the three parts of a bicycle wheel - the hub (center), spokes, and rim. Spokes extend from the tiny hub at the center of the wheel and are attached to the rim. When mind-mapping, your subject is the hub, arrows are the spokes, and the points you make about your subject are the rim.

Use only circles and arrows when mind-mapping. First, put your subject in the hub. Draw an arrow (spoke) from the hub to the rim. Then draw a circle on the rim and put the first point you will make about your subject inside that circle. Repeat the process for all the points you intend to make. When finished, you should have a circle in the center of circles that are connected by arrows. This is the outline for your article.

Use Key Words - Use words in your title that attract readers and search engines.These words are known as keywords. Do a Google search to find keyword tracker sites. Follow the instructions on the site. Remember this will selecting which keywords to use - the greater the number after the word, the greater the interest.

Know Your Niche - What's your passion? What are you interested in? Appeal to readers with the same passion or interests. Who would know their needs better than you? But there's always a possibility that your readers may have a different interest. Build a relationship with them through your articles to see what their present needs are. Then write a message addressing their needs.

Write Conversationally - Let your heart speak to the heart of your reader. Your head is your knowledge center, it wants to be formal. But your heart is informal, it just makes your points. Easy reading helps your readers know, like and trust you.

Use Quotes, Illustrations, or Case Studies - Give examples your readers can relate to and understand. Stories are an excellent way to make points.

Create an Attention Grabbing Title - The importance of titles cannot be over stressed. Your title must capture the interest of your reader or your article will not be read.

Presentation of Your Message - Your article can be the best on the market, but if it is lumped together, readers won't read it. Just as chefs make dishes attractive, make your articles attractive. Learn to use short paragraphs, subheads, numbers, and bullets to add variety to your articles.

Rewriting - Blending Your Head and Heart - After pouring out your heart on paper (also known as a heart dump), take a break. No editing is required. Later, come back and edit your article before submitting it to an article directory.

Article writing is only challenging when you don't know the techniques. Now that you know, you're ready to write your first article.

Final tip - use an article writing template.

If you would like to get two free article writing templates, go to

When you're ready for another challenge, consider an article writing and marketing e-course. Go to for an example of a good e-course.

Please feel free to leave comments about this article at

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Sustainability and Packaging

Sustainability is a term used across a large number of industries. At the core, one can think of sustainability as the measurable concept of doing business without depleting resources or harming the community. Nowhere is sustainability more applicable than in the packaging industry. Containers and packaging that are cost effective and environmentally sound are critical to our industrys business success and the impact we have on society. One industry group offers criteria by which the sustainability of packaging can be measured.

Packaging that is beneficial, safe and healthy for people throughout its lifecycle;
Meets market criteria for performance and cost;
Uses renewable energy throughout its lifecycle;
Maximizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials;
Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices;
Is made from materials healthy in all probable end-of-life scenarios;
Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy.
A Life Cycle assessment is a key tool in assessing sustainability.

A life cycle assessment (LCA) is the assessment of the environmental impact of a given product or service throughout its lifespan.

The goal of LCA is to compare the environmental performance of products and services, to be able to choose the least burdensome one. The term 'life cycle' refers to the notion that a fair, holistic assessment requires the looking at a product at every step of the way - from raw materials to disposal, and all the steps in between. In packaging, this means looking at how the materials are produced, products manufactured, used/discarded by the consumer, and recycled back into use.

The terms Cradle-to-Grave (complete life cycle), Cradle-to-Cradle (from birth to re-birth), Cradle-to-Gate (Material manufacture to product delivery), and Wheel-to-Well (efficiency of fuels used for transportation) are terms often used to describe the life cycle, or parts of it.

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